You are invited to make a submission to the Department of Health, sharing your views and experiences on the changes to aged care that have been continually rolled out since 2012. Feedback submitted to the Department will be used to inform the final report of the Aged Care Legislated Review.

The Aged Care Legislated Review will consider the changes implemented to date and the future direction of Australia’s aged care system.

The independent Review will address the following key criteria:

  • Unmet demand for residential and home care places has been reduced.
  • Whether the number and mix of places for residential care and home care should continue to be controlled.
  • Whether further steps could be taken to change key aged care services from a supply driven model to a consumer demand driven model.
  • The effectiveness of means testing arrangements for aged care services, including an assessment of the alignment of charges across residential care and home care services.
  • The effectiveness of arrangements for regulating prices for aged care accommodation.
  • The effectiveness of arrangements for protecting equity of access to aged care services for different population groups.
  • The effectiveness of workforce strategies in aged care services, including strategies for the education, recruitment, retention and funding of aged care workers.
  • The effectiveness of arrangements for protecting refundable deposits and accommodation bonds.
  • The effectiveness of arrangements for facilitating access to aged care services.

To have your say visit the Department of Health’s consultation hub before 5:00pm on Sunday 4 December, 2016.

For more information on the Review visit the Department of Health website.