Monday 12th October marks World Arthritis Day.

In Australia, nearly one in five people has arthritis. Many people think arthritis is a normal part of growing older however, it can affect people from all backgrounds, ages and lifestyles and two out of every three people with the disease are between 15 and 60 years old.

Our research indicates almost half (46%) of our client market is suffering from some form of arthritis. We want to lead the way in providing help to carers and our own CAREGivers to understand how they can provide the best care

Our booklet Caring for Arthritis provides practical advice about caring for a person with arthritis, developed in collaboration with people living with arthritis, their carers, and Carers Queensland, explains:

  • What arthritis is and how it affects people. There are over 100 forms of arthritis, affecting nearly every joint in the body (some forms can also involve other parts of the body, such as the eyes and skin).
  • Suggests ways a carer can provide practical support.
  • Provides insights and communication tips for carers.
  • Includes information about where carers can obtain further advice and support.

Dowload your free copy of Caring and Arthritis today. For more information visit or call the Arthritis Queensland Helpline 1800 011 041.