10 Activities to Keep Your Loved One with Dementia Occupied During Travel
If you’re travelling with a parent or other loved one suffering from dementia, it can be quite challenging, as well as stressful for both of you, particularly when travelling for comparatively long distances by car or train.
With this is mind, Home Instead presents this short list of interesting and fun-filled things to do. These pleasant distractions will help while away the time and make sure that, as they say, getting there really is half the fun.
- Bring an old photo album along to look at pictures.
- Play your loved one’s favourite music in the car.
- Be sure to bring snacks and water.
- Play trivia about popular TV shows and musicians of their day. (Naturally, stop this activity if they become too frustrated with not remembering the answers.)
- Provide a purse with interesting items to go through, like junk mail and old jewellery.
- Make rest time to help keep them from becoming agitated.
- Let your loved one take the lead in whatever you’re doing. Let them do the talking and listen to their stories. Ask them about favourite journeys they may have taken.
- Offer travel games, like crossword puzzles and word searches.
- Talk about the scenery and places you’re driving by during the journey.
- Take along their favourite pillow or blanket to keep them comfortable.
If you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia and would like to learn more practical techniques to keep your loved one engaged, the team at Home Instead would be delighted to assist.
Simply call us on 1300 008 018 for the location and number of your nearest office.