Home Instead Charities raises funds for local community initiatives, groups, programs and research projects in support of:

  • Dementia

    • Through our partnership with University of Tasmania Wicking Dementia Research & Education Centre, we provide specialised dementia education and training for CAREGivers, families and communities; innovative programs that lead to better diagnosis, treatment and care; support for family carers; and research for a cure.
    • Local offices work alongside local community groups and alliances to help support and promote dementia-friendly communities.


    Education & Research

    • Investing in the future with scholarships and research grants for students studying incurable diseases affecting seniors such as Parkinson’s and Dementia as well as research initiatives that will result in meaningful changes for ageing adults’ health, well-being, and quality of life.
  • Health & Wellness

    • Bringing meaningful change to the sector through our involvement in the Royal Commission and Aged Care Reform, making aged care services more accessible to ageing adults;
    • Supporting organisations that provide charitable care for ageing adults in genuine need;
    • Investing in health, wellness and prevention initiatives for older adults as well as and nutrition and exercise programs; and
    • Providing free public education guides on topics impacting ageing adults and their families such as nutrition as you age, exercise for seniors, dementia care, palliative care, and planning for successful ageing.
  • Community Care

    • Enabling ageing adults to remain living in their communities;
    • Supporting isolated and disadvantaged older Australians;
    • Carer support groups and activities;
    • Developing successful age-friendly cities and regional communities;
    • Strengthening local public services and systems that support the elderly; and
    • Ensuring the most basic needs of older Australians are met through outreach initiatives and collaborative partnerships with the public and private sectors.


As the efforts of Home Instead Charities continue to develop, we look forward to sharing our outcomes and success stories.